Enhancing Minds To Empower Students So They Exceed Expectations.

Certified Physical Education

UFIT provides certified teachers to administer an exceptional physical education program that fits the specific needs of each individual school.

Game-time Recess And Lunch

UFIT has addressed the concerns of yard conflicts that result in referrals, suspensions and expulsions by providing structured sports and activities that keep students engaged.

Lunch And After School Sports Program

 UFIT provides a lunch time and after-school team-based sports program which includes: basketball, soccer, football, volleyball, track, and dance.

What We Have Achieved!

We have helped in decreasing the number of suspensions, increased attendance, increased test score, teacher consultations, and strategies to minimize COVID’s social impact.

We talk out the problems and inefficiencies you are facing and find potential root causes and propose solutions.

Home School Physical Education

 UFIT Program’s curriculum, Providing Youth Support for Kids has been developed in alignment with the State standards. Including the requirements of the Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve.

Decrease your schools suspensions

UFIT has effectively contributed in a 40% decrease of suspensions in our partnering school districts.

Our Experience & Expertise

Increase your schools attendance!

UFIT has successfully assisted schools in increasing their students attendance by decreasing absenteeism by over 60%.

Increase your schools test scores!

75% of students in our UFIT schools have passed this assessment.

Increase Teacher Planning Time

With UFIT’s Certified PE Program, educators will have the time needed to develop appropriate objectives and activities for their students.


See How We’ve Changed The Lives Of Our Clients For The Better.

Reviews of Educators about UFIT

Reviews of Educators about UFIT

Our teachers talking about UFIT

Our students talking about UFIT